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    Resources Translator To mention

to mention

Translation result
mencionar to mention

mention verb

1. make reference to.

The historian would only mention the war in passing, without going into great detail about its impact on the country's economy. El historiador solo mencionaría la guerra de paso, sin entrar en detalles importantes sobre su impacto en la economía del país.

2. make mention of.

The professor mentioned several key points in her lecture that we should focus on during the exam. El profesor mencionó varios puntos clave en su conferencia que debemos enfocarnos durante el examen.

3. commend.

The coach mentioned her star player's exceptional skills, praising his impressive performance on the field. El entrenador mencionó los habilidades excepcionales de su jugador estelar, elogiando su impresionante actuación en el campo.